“Mathematical Instruction for Students with Dyscalculia
CRA Sequence
Most popular theoretical frameworks for teaching mathematics to all children.
Hands on manipulatives to teach math concepts.
Use of Visuals or technology to view math concepts.
Include more experiences involving solving formulas and algorithms.
Implementing CRA Instuction
1.) Use appropriate concrete objects to teach particular math concepts/skills. Discrete materials are especially helpful since students can see and feel the attributes of te objects they are using. (Base-Ten Material)
2.) After students demonstrate mastery at the concrete level, then teach appropriate drawing techniques where students problem solve by drawing simple representations of the concrete objects they previously used.
3.) After students demonstrate mastery at the representational level use appropriate strategies for assisting students to move to the abstract level of understanding for particular math concepts/skill.
Student Problem-Solving Techniques
Diagrams- help students organize and piece together information that they have recieved. Students could use tally marks to make sense of the tremendous amount of data.
Graphs- help students visualize problems.
Patterns- use patterns to predict the correct answer.
Special Case- to make problem easier to tackle, students may look at a special case in which they are familiar to gain insight about the general case.
Trial and Error/Guess and Check- use trial and error method to test certain possibilities.
Use of Previous Method- use techniques from previous problems in hopes that the new problem is solved in the same manner.
Use of Variables and Equations- help students make generalizations about specific situations.
Working Backwards- students find that once they know the answer, working backwards will help them figure out the process.