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Dyscalculia is a neurologically based disorder of mathematical abilities. It originates as a genetic or congenital disorder of the brain and causes a discrepamcy between an individual's general cognitive level and mathematical abilities.

Types of Dyscalculia:

Lexical Dyscalculia- understand mathematical concepts when talking about them, but has difficulty reading symbols such as numerals, and cannot understand them when they occur in number sentences or equations.

Graphical Dyscalculia- difficulties with writing mathematical symbols, including but not limited to numbers.

Verbal Dyscalculia- difficulty with talking about mathematical concepts or relationships.

Ideognistic Dyscalculia- has trouble with tasks that require an understanding of mathematical ideas and relationships, such as identifying which sequence of numbers is larger to smaller.

Practognostic Dyscalculia- difficulty translating their abstract mathematical knowledge into real-world actions or procedures.

Operational Dyscalculia- difficulty with performing mathematical operations or calculations.


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